One of Kaede's good friends has a bigger version of this slide and Kaede LOVES to play on it! I have never been into craigslist but I got on one day to look for the Little Tykes Coupe Car and instead came across this! It was an absolute steal! I couldn't pass it up! It was less than a year old in perfect condition except the slide was sun faded! After buying it and bringing it upstairs Kaede instantly got on it! -- My next issue....where to put it in a small apartment!
I didn't want to take Kaede's rocking chair out of his room but it was time! I don't remember the last time I rocked since I started just laying him down so he could fall asleep alone. So out went the rocking chair, in came the slide!!
Needless to say, he was very excited! The slide is definitely Kaede's favorite thing to do at the park so perfect we can slide inside too!
Except now his room isn't a baby room but rather a toddler room that is overcome by huge toys!!