Dear Kaede,
I can not believe that my baby is 18 Months Old! Time has flown by! You are a total ball of energy! You are full of laughs all the time. On the other hand if you want something you will either find a way to do it all on your own or make it known! You are very independent but play very well with your friends! One of your best buds right know is Jayden Mattews.
Being a dare-devil doesn't even explain you, you are not afraid of ANYTHING!! You don't cry when I leave you with Grammy any more, you simply smile and wave bye. However, you still aren't happy when I leave you with anyone else (besides Daddy).
You have always loved the beach but know that I take you out in the water you love it even more!

Besides a few words (hot, Daddy, Momma, and no,no,no) you still don't talk. The doctor is not concerned at all. You do have a lot of signs that you have learned over the past few months and use on a daily basis (dog, bird, hot, milk, more, phone, fish, food). You can also show me where your belly button, nose, eyes, ears and toes are when asked (sometimes mix up eyes and ears). When we ask you to find Mr.Beans you don't hesitate to find him, same thing with finding a passy. We I ask you who Daddy and Mommy are you can point to us! You are incredibly smart and even though you aren't talking you have no problems communicating with us!
I invited 2 of your friends over (Jayden and Arabella) for pizza and cupcakes on your 18 month birthday (June 22)
Daddy and I got you a mini wagon since you have a love of pushing things around...definitely best buy ever! As soon as we opened it you were trying to pick up Arabella and give her a ride in your wagon. Needless to say she was content with the stroll down the hallway!