Since Kaede was only a few days old by Christmas last year we didn't worry about the Christmas tree so we had a big real one...HOWEVER! This year was a different story! Kaede thinks anything that is round is a ball so I figured our Christmas ornaments would be pulled off right and left. So I decided to get a small fake tree and put it on our dining room table! Best idea yet! When we would go to someones house that had Christmas ornaments he could reach you better believe they were quickly taken off the tree!
Notice barely any ornaments on the tree behind Kaede ... that would be because by time I got a picture of him looking at me and not interested in the tree he had pulled most of them off!
Knox came to hang out with us! Kaede has so much fun playing with Knox.. on this day he was showing Knox his new trick!
When Kaede goes off to play in his room and is quiet for too long I know exactly what he is doing! Sometimes he has problems reaching his toys so he does it the easy way and climbs into the toy box!