Daddy REALLY wanted to go to the home opener of the Dallas Cowboys game, he was fortunate enough to get the weekend off and get tickets. Daddy had to work Friday night so as soon as he got off we started our 8 hour journey! We ended up arriving in Dallas around 5 in the morning with just enough time to get a hotel room and take a cat nap before the game which started at noon!
You were pretty excited to see all of the new surroundings and had a blast during the whole game until the end of the 4th quarter when you fell asleep!
You took a very good nap in the BabyHawk! Even with all the noise and screaming in the stadium.
Once the game was over we headed to San Antonio where we spent the night to take a break of being in the car. We went to North Star Mall and did a little shopping.
We got home just in time to watch Monday Night Football!