While in San Antonio on Daddy's vacation you got a runny nose and were coughing a lot. Mommy went to the pharmacy to get you some medicine to hold you over until you got back to Corpus. The day after you got back to Corpus Mommy and Daddy took you to the doctor and she said you had an Upper Respiratory Infection. She gave you some medicine and you stayed away from everyone for the next week. The following week you were much better but sounded like you had a rattle in your chest. Mommy took you back to the doctor and they put you on a breathing treatment. The doctor said you weren't contagious but you had a little bit of congestion and Albuterol would clear it up. Needless to say for the next 3 days you had to take a breathing treatment every 5 hours.
At first you were not fond of it at all and wouldn't let Mommy hold the mask to your face. Although she didn't want to strap it to your face because she was afraid you would pop yourself with the mask, you actually left it alone. 
After the first treatment Mommy decided to distract you with your toys and that seemed to work a lot better. By day 2 of the breathing treatment you were a pro at sitting there and playing without messing with the mask at all!